Perm has been ranked the best in the nomination “People’s diplomacy- effective municipal government”

The award was presented at the International Forum of the best municipal practices held by the Union of Russian Cities in Bishkek.
On April 11-12, 2018 the V International Forum of the Best Municipal Practices was held in Kyrgyzstan. The Perm delegation represented by Victor Ageyev, the First Deputy Head of Perm City Administration and Tatiana Gigorieva, Head of International and Inter-municipal Relations Department of Perm City Administration, made several contributions at the Forum. Victor Ageyev presented on “The best municipal practice in investments” and “Budget cashback: a new stimulus for territorial development”. The paper on “Interactive instruments of communication between the citizens and local authorities in Perm” was presented by Natalya Grigorieva from Information and Analytical Department of Perm City Administration. The presentations received a lot of genuine attention and questions from the Forum’s participants.
Perm participated in 11 suggested areas: modern instruments to support people’s diplomacy; municipal-private partnership in building infrastructure; the competition of socially important projects “The city is us”; an efficient municipal passenger transportation company (electric vehicles); recycling market development in Perm; measures to stimulate introduction of ecology-effective technology at industrial enterprises; community space organization and landscaping; interaction with apartment buildings managing companies in Perm; experience in dilapidated and dangerous housing resettlement; callback feature at; national sports event “For the friendship among the nations”.
Interactive voting at “The Map of the best municipal practices” web-site brought Perm into the leaders in the nomination “People’s diplomacy – effective municipal government” while outstripping the other contestants, namely St. Petersburg, Novgorod, Yaroslavl and Yakutsk.
Twin cities of Perm, Duisburg (Germany) and Oxford (the UK), also presented their experience at the Forum: Timothy Paul Sadler MSc. Director Sustainable City Oxford. sent in a paper on “The Approach of Oxford City Council to identifying priorities for environmental action and a brief explanation of the world’s first Zero Emission Zone”, while Sara Güttler, an official representative and manager of “The Duisburg workshop for people with disabilities gGmbH” gave a talk on Inclusion in the City of Duisburg.
For information:
The main goal of the International Forum of Best Municipal Practices is to present the best managerial experience of the cities in the issues of municipal government, as well as promoting the cities on the international arena.
The Forum includes a number of workshops on a variety of issues within the cities management: economy, finance, budget relations, investment climate, communal services and housing, social policies, ecology, information technology, international cooperation, confessions and national issues; cultural identity.
Cooperation at city-to- city level is becoming more and more a priority issue in interrelations between municipalities, thus raising the need for the cities’ interests and needs to be represented at international level, as well as enhancing the importance of experience exchange.